My Biography

2013 Nominee for Best Independent Dance EP

Lords of Fusion is the culmination of over 10 years of musical collaboration between Villa and Viorock. Their unorthodox approach creates a collage of sounds that takes the listener on a musical journey unlike anything heard before; transcending boundaries, labels and genres, while exploring the depths of human experience.

Keep in touch

Artist Manager
If you have any queries, please send message, and we will be in touch soon

Releases that you need

New Album Coming Soon.

Minimatica 2016
Retrowave 2016
Electronica 2014

Featured Album

My shows

Duis dolor tellus, faucibus non ligula ac, fringilla porttitor eros. Cras sagittis eleifend erat ac fringilla. Proin ac odio et neque vulputate tempus at vel justo. Maecenas semper imperdiet euismod. Donec tempor erat vel scelerisque tincidunt. Sed sagittis purus orci, eu auctor lectus placerat vel. Nunc imperdiet tincidunt volutpat. Duis ac semper purus. Nunc mauris magna, ornare at lorem et, sollicitudin dapibus tortor.

House Vibes
September 27, 2024 @ London, UK
Eternal Beats
December 23, 2020 @ London, UK